Thursday, March 10, 2011

they've twisted their story, or so it seems.
nevermind, it is still my fault again. =)
wished I'd never wake up tomorrow
Person A, B and C agreed to meet for an activity.
However, Person C said that he/she is busy that day only in the AFTERNOON. so they three agreed to meet in the evening.
On the very day itself, Person C shamelessly called Person B to confirm that the activity is on. Person B said that he/she went with Person A earlier in the afternoon and when Person C asked why he/she wasn't informed in the change of timing?
Person B said that it was because Person C was busy.
The issue: person C specifically said he/she will definitely make time to go in the evening despite being busy in the afternoon.
It was Person C's fault, his fault for being dumb.
I scolded Person C and asked him something: " do you want to know who is the world's biggest fool? Look into the mirror please"

person C is seriously dumb and retarded. Period, Enough said.
I feel so thick-skinned.
It is already so obvious, and yet I still have to ask people.
The reason why people dont tell me is because they dont want to hurt my feelings and yet, I shamelessly ask.
I want to thank everyone for doing charity by being my friend. I know that some are not willing to be my friend and that it was I who act until we are friends. I am sorry.